All the photos are posted on the picasa site, and video clips too!
I'm going to try to change the way this site lists the posts now, so those that have not been here before will get to start at the beginning of the journey and work though it with us, rather than find themselves at the end and have to go backwards....I don't even really know if I can do it that way, but I'll try!
It's good to be home, but still find myself in moments of our journey....the cold wind yesterday here at home was the same we felt at the falls...the smell of the food still lingers in my taste buds are still "MSG burned" and nothing tastes as good...sigh...and the hunt for the red pepper oil/sauce is still on. The vegetables are not as bright as there, and I miss so much from there (except the pollution...I'm still hacking and expect to cough up coal dust by the time this is all over!). sigh.
We get to give a presentation of our trip next Sunday, and that's exciting. Email me if you are in the area and would like to attend. We'll talk about it all....past, trip, future....going again some time I'm sure!! :) Even if the kids were back here, I think I left some of my heart there....sigh...
I wonder how many OTHER amazing places I can leave bits of my heart at?? I'm sure there are too many to count...and perhaps we WILL get to go...and I'll blog about them here as well...